The Lesson steps then explain how to construct this triad chord using the 3rd and 5th note intervals, then finally how to construct the inverted chord variations. Most high parts for bass-clef instruments (e.g. Relation between treble clef and bass clef The Solution below shows the E minor triad chord in root position, 1st inversion and 2nd inversion on the piano, treble clef and bass clef. The treble clef is also the upper staff of the grand staff used for harp and keyboard instruments. (Royalty free sound sample performed by pianist Samson François in 1964, Creative Commons Zero 1.0 license, source)Dear readers, if you have examples of manuscripts or scores with this special G-clef, don't hesitate to let me know, contact me please. its name also to the treble (or violin) clef, the distinguishing sign of which denotes the G line. Most of the time, the treble clef staff is played by the right hand, and the bass clef staff is played by the left hand.Įxample of a treble clef in a grand staff in a famous work: Frédéric Chopin's Nocturne opus 27 n☂ in D flat major:

It’s also known as the G clef as when drawing a treble clef, it loops and wraps itself around the note G on the staff. This is how the treble (or G) clef looks on the stave. The grand staff is a combination of one treble clef staff and one bass clef staff. The treble clef is a type of musical notation that is used to indicate which pitch should be played when reading and writing music. When used on a modern stave it curls around the 2nd line showing that note to be G. In 2370, Data made the shape of a treble. The treble clef in use in the grand staff, like for the piano all most of keyboard instruments. A treble clef was a symbol that appeared at the beginning of the higher-pitched part of a piece of Earth music. Treble clef in the grand staff (great stave ) In orchestral music (and solo), the treble clef may also be used if the desired notes are of a particularly high pitch.

You will notice that computer software draw treble clef like this:Īnd you will notice that there is no dot on the second line, I really don't know why. Music for the cello is primarily written in the bass clef, though the tenor clef is commonly seen in both solo and orchestral music.